EURIVERSITY’s main objective seeks to provide educational institutions with all the necessary resources that might be  required in order to be able to obtain real level of social inclusion of those students who may be suffering from  discrimination because of their gender, sexual or emotional orientation.
With that ultimate aim in mind, we have endeavored to:

1. After a thorough process of research and after acquiring a great deal of sound scientific knowledge on this issue, an Integral Plan of Action will be designed so as to be able to properly face these problems that are currently present in our
schools, both from a scientific point of view and with the participation of all the relevant and concerned institutions.

2. How this IPA will be implemented in our educational institutions. Key aspects of this Integral Plan of Action:
 – Protocol of collaboration with external entities.
 – Protocol of awareness-raising for both students and teachers.
 – Protocol of action with the families.
 – Protocol of conflict-management.
 – Overall plan to transform educational institutions into premises free of discrimination.
 – Overall Teacher Training Plan.
 – Overall Plan of Action to implement the above referred IPA. Design of a methodological proposal.
At the end of the testing stage of implementation of this IPA, we intend to:
 – To enhance the current levels of both awareness-raising and normalization in the educational institutions in which this IPA has been tested.
 – To achieve a proactive approach and involvement of the teaching staff as well as to get much higher rates of inclusion.
 – To create, thanks to these IPAs, a European Network of Educational Institutions Free of Discrimination.